hello again!
for once, i'm going to do a loving and lusting without a huge, rambling introduction. *gasp*
buuuut... sorry that the pictures are three different pictures rather than a collage but the new security software my dad has downloaded onto our computer is blocking picmonkey and i have no clue how to unblock it/ what other software to use, and it won't be up in time if i try and learn so hopefully it will be for next week as i am very. annoyed.
buuuut... sorry that the pictures are three different pictures rather than a collage but the new security software my dad has downloaded onto our computer is blocking picmonkey and i have no clue how to unblock it/ what other software to use, and it won't be up in time if i try and learn so hopefully it will be for next week as i am very. annoyed.

oh i'm just oh-so-cliched. whilst some may say this isn't technically clothes, i have decided to rename this section fashion so as to create a broader spectrum for myself, and basically, cheat.
saying that, is there a girl who doesn't want a mulberry bag, even if they say otherwise? i honestly don't think so, and let me tell you as soon as i get a job and have nothing to save up for, i am buying one of these babies, because you just have to agree that she is a beaut.
i've been wanting to delve into the world of overnight masks for a while now and fro some reason just never taken the plunge and bought the origins one, which is obviously the 'must buy'. which is why when pictures of this little beauty from BB-renowned fame Dr Jart+ started popping up in my instagram feed i was drawn, like a calling... it claims to be ultra light on the skin which appeals to me, so when my spending ban is done and dusted we shall definitely see...
this last item is perfect for two reasons:
*1- rob ryan is one of my favourite designers; his work is so 'quirky' and i luuurve.
*2-this money box is actually literally the cutest thing ever.
i'm actually considering breaking my spending ban *temporarily* for it.
so that's it folks, and reading this through i realise i sound like an absolute nutter, but there we go.
I really want a Mulberry bag so bad! Some of them are so pretty. This overnight mask looks/sounds really good as well. I haven't actually came across it before somehow!x
I know, I'm unbelievably jealous if anyone who has one! I know, it sounds amazing!x