
loving and lusting #9

i think i've finally managed to find a replacement for picmonkey, due to the stupid security on my computer, so this week should be back to normal. i'm going to jump straight into the post, so here's what i've been loving and lusting this week...

1- fashion
i'm aware that this is more of an accessory than an item of clothing, but nevertheless i renamed this category fashion so it's allowed! it's not a great picture, but i think this scrunchie from topshop is just so cute and retro, and also affordable, considering the shop.

2- beauty
this is just such a hyped up product, but i really want to introduce a clarifying shampoo into  hair routine and this just seems the obvious one to go for, as it has been raved about so many times. it is quite pricey, so i'm looking for a cheaper alternative, but for now this is what i'm lusting after...

3- random
the lovely gemma has just launched an online shop with her friend, and there is some pretty gorgeous stuff on there, that i am definitely lusting after. i think this little trinket box is just so cute and would look very nice in my bedroom in france...

so that's what i'm wishing for this week, what are you liking?

fuchsiaforest on twitter, instagram, pinterest and tumblr.